Monday, September 8, 2008

just had to add....

that my kid is amazing


Kristina P. said...

She's hilarious.

Oh, and I'm really looking into getting a Wii Fit, but I don't want it to tell me how fat and out of shape I am.

Elise said...

Hey Mandi! I saw your comment on my blog and here are some ways to get Ireland to remember me at Christmas time. Here they are:
1. Show her my blog (I will put constant pictures of me on it)
2. If you still have the pictures that we made you (which I think you do) show them to Ireland and tell her who made them

Those are my ideas.


"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

She has the cutest little cheeks.
Oh and my name is Amanda