Thursday, December 11, 2008

Awww the Wii Fit... we meet again

holy moly! Just had an awesome workout. Sadly that doesn't happen too much anymore. Can I blame it on near 24/7 morning sickness or exhaustion? Well.. maybe to an extent. I mean I kind of have a good excuse, and I DO workout, just not as I should. I need to follow my cute friend Amber's habits. Heck she is way more pregnant than me, and she is telling me every day she is going to the gym and doing this and that to workout.

So what's my sorry excuse?? The sad thing is, I know for a fact I would have more energy if I actually got my lazy butt up and did more. Like I did this morning, whipped out the wii fit. it made fun of me saying it was 16 days since it had seen me last, called me daniel cause it forgot my name. ha it was funnier last time it made fun of me when it said I had been out 30 days!

Thats kind of pathetic!! Who buys a wii fit then doesn't use it??? Anyway, I feel so good and have so much energy. My daughter is still asleep and its ten am. what a beautiful day! I guess I will know if it is really beautiful when I take Ireland for our daily walk. We go every single day even if it snows. Now if only I could actually gain weight (yes I want to, to be healthy for this new baby, but its hard when I get so sick and keep losing) and eat healthy. eat healthy? not sure how healthy this is, but I am going to go have a HUGE bowl of capn crunch.

have a nice day


Angela said...

Don't feel bad I can't even do that because of my arthritis, even though people tell me walking will make my arthritis feel better. Ha! I'd like to see them move around with a tailbone that makes it so you can't get off the floor!

Kristina P. said...

I think we're going to buy an elliptical for Christmas. I am sort of scared.

Kathryn said...

It's so funny you mention the Wii Fit because I was going to pull mine out today. I even bought the little cover thing to put over it! I am really going to do it, I am gaining weight already and that is scary!! You'll have to fill me in on what you are doing.

The Life Of Patrick and Hil said...

Yeah.......that would be me. We bought the wii fit and then I got pregnant. I just don't stretch the same way I used to. I did tell patrick I'd have to do some butt toning work outs after the baby comes :)

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

I so need to restart my adventures on the fit, it is much needed. But we shall see, no promises while the goodie season is upon us. I am not giving my girls the bows until christmas but i will definitely take a picture and send them your way.

snow angels said...

hey girl :) aww thanx for your cute comment! i haven't worked out since thursday, i've been slacking! i just get so tired. i'm glad you were feeling a little better so you could do wii fit! i want one!! haha :) thanks for keeping in touch with me :) oh and, the pic of ireland a few posts down, where she is by the temple and underneath you wrote, i love to see the temple i'm going there someday. your going to laugh at me, but it made me cry!! haha talk to you soon :) loves <3 <3

Abigail said...

Hey! Cap'n Crunch is fortified, so it's healthy!! Or that's what I think. I don't think you're some creepy person, I love making blog friends! So welcome to my blog, please come again, I'm going to read yours now and find out more about you!
The fact that you do go for a daily walk is far more exercise than I get! I'm trying to do better. I'm pregnant as well, in my second trimester, and I'm so impressed that you're going for a walk daily through your first trimester! I barely moved from the couch. Anyway. :)