Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 1

I will start this tonight.

here is what I am doing today:
Day 1: take a photo of yourself and give a description of how your day was.

well I don't have a real recent photo of me bc I am usually always taking the pics so this was from a trip this Fall and if you have no idea which one I am (ha ha) I am the one in the middle:

my day went pretty well. Went to the OB, heard the heartbeat!! Found out I finally starting gaining weight. 3 lbs in 2 weeks to be exact! Got my ultrasounds scheduled today. yes 2 within 6 days of each other yippee! Had a pretty ok day. Needed two Zofran- the magical anti nausea medicine that saves me daily. (yes I still get nauseous daily) and that is pretty much it. From now until Jan 5th I have 5 appointments to attend and hopefully get some things fixed up. Now if only I could get a word on some insurance.....

nothing else really....

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