Wednesday, December 22, 2010

No patience here

ummm. Tomorrow.... as in Thursday... is THE DAY. It is here. The day I have dreamed of since the SECOND I found out I was pregnant. Ultrasound day!!!!! eek. I am having a really, really, really hard time waiting. My appt is at 3 pm. I hope I can wait that long. I don't think I get a choice in the matter.

Here is the plan (assuming everything goes my way): go to appt. have ultrasound, have the tech warn us when baby parts might be shown. turn away. Watch everything else like adorable face, hands, feetsies, bums. well bum- there is only one...anyway... enjoy that. Have the tech do the usual printing on the pics: its a Boy or its a Girl. put it in a sealed envelope. Seal it real good lady... I am a peeker!! Then wait sooooooo long... until the very next day... I mean night (sigh) then with more impatience, open it and find out what this lil monkey is. A HE or a SHE. Notice I say HE first?? every single family member, including Ireland is CONVINCED its a boy. I am convinced. Moms know these things. RIGHT??

We already have a name. It's a good one too.

still SUPER excited that it could be a girl too! LOVE girls!

Let the waiting begin.... I mean continue...

ps today was spectacular!! Very, very, very good news came upon us yesterday. well several bits of news. Today all that was multiplied. Good things are happening to my family. We are so blessed and God is mindful of us. I believe in miracles. I believe in so many good things in this world. I have cried so many happy tears the last two days I don't think I could have had a better situation.

ps one bit of the great news: I HAVE INSURANCE NOW!!!!! yay!!! that means over $600 goes back in my pocket... oh I mean more than half of that goes back into my MOM'S pocket (thanks so much mom!!)

All my EXPENSIVE prescriptions I get reimbursed for. 4 Ob appointments. All my urine samples, blood tests, the ENT, the eye Dr. - all that I get paid back. PHEW. feels good to be insured!!


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