Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 6

Today's challenge:A photo of an animal you would like to keep as a pet:

This is my favorite animal in the whole world. Man I sure want to pet one!

ok, ok probably not a good PET choice. I sure can imagine holding a baby one though. Awww

ok maybe this for a pet:

This is some type of Octopus. Maybe not for a pet either as I have no where to put it and most definitely wouldn't touch it. Cool to see though huh?

My ex had two of these and they are AWESOME!! They say EVERYTHING and can be pretty funny. They can be mean too but the nice ones are cool. They are heavy too. So freaking gorgeous though

ok I have ALWAYS wanted a little pet monkey!! Look at that face!!!
So Santa all I want is this monkey. But it needs to be "potty trained" and willing to get me a dr pepper and a candy bar as often as I wish. That would be pretty sweet.

on to non fun type of posts:
I want to keep notes and updates for me as to my dr appointments. (this is more for me so warning to anyone else. pretty boring ahead) My OB had me see an ENT as I mentioned before and he wanted me to also me to see the eye dr. So I did that tonight. Turns out my prescription has changed and I need all new glasses and contacts. It's not like I wore my contacts (even though I need and want to) but now the whole stash I have of contacts is a waste. I forgot what the dr said but Daniel reminded me that he said the... dang, I don't know what he said or what it means... something about axis something astigmatism changed or rotated or something (sorry I can't remember) and now my glasses are useless. which I already knew. Now it makes sense why I would wear my glasses and they never help anymore. He said I COULD still wear them if I turned them sideways and closed one eye..... uh...... ok.

He needs me to get a whole new prescription. Having no vision insurance now (Since dan works from home we lost that. sigh) I can't afford new glasses right now. So staring at the computer is painful, straining and blurry. I needed glasses to drive, see at night and read, help with headaches, to see more than a few feet in front of me, etc. So I guess after Christmas I will be getting new glasses instead of getting my tooth fixed like I desperately needed. (I also lost dental insurance) ANYWAY the eye dr thinks he sees swelling behind my eye so I may need to see a neuro eye dr (what are they called??) and have that specialist check it out... have to wait on that as I have no.... insurance! The ENT needs me to have special testing done. I can't yet... no insurance. I have an ultra sound coming up that I too have to pay out of pocket. As well as each dr visit is out of pocket. I have been ok with my appointments and it's just really adding up and bad timing... all this right in time with Christmas! I am not done with my shopping so of course that's when all these urgent needs come up right? As soon as someone gets their act together- me, the girls and the baby will have insurance and I can get refunded for ALL of my past appointments, all prescriptions we have gotten and pay for all my new appointments that I desperately need. Crossing my fingers for sooner than later!!

That was my vent post. Long and boring but for me to keep track of what happened when.

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