Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm happy now :)

LOL so there is nothing I can do about my car. :(  Oh well I guess. (for now)   anyway, life really is good and I cannot let that stand in my way. 

Items of business. 
#1. Ireland is too big and too smart. She finally got her big girl car seat turned around. She still has a bad milk allergy and am waiting until the 21st for her one year check up to find out our options. She is learning more sign language  and can sign a couple words at a time. like more and eat when she wants more food. what a doll! :)  

2. we bought her a fish. the entire time in the store she called all the fishes "doggies" so.... we named her fish Doggy. what can I say?  :)  :)

3. Halloween is approaching fast and still no costumes for Daniel, Ireland or myself. Anyone know of a cute elmo costume, for Irey??

4. We are going on vacation in the morning. Yes! Jeeping, and hiking, and relaxing and what not. sooo pumped!

5. I missed most of  The Office tonight. what?! not cool :(  lol

6. My house is not spotless and for this moment I could care less. Hey, that's a big deal for me! 

7. I am not packed but am taking time to do this. 

8. My website for my bows that I am selling is almost up. The site is under construction, but when its up you should take a look. :)

thats all. have a lovely day


Kristina P. said...

That's too funny about Doggy, the fish.

Elise said...

Hi, when I read that it made me miss you even more. (sorry about the car)