Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Young and the Restless

So, I realized I have done two posts about the soap opera that is our life, which is why I titled them Days Of Our Lives. Now I need to update on our "soap life"  and as usual there are a ton of pictures which I make no apology for. I hardly ever print pictures and I NEVER  keep a journal or anything, so this is my way of keeping tabs on my child's milestones and cute moments. Also I am sleep deprived, and  do not apologize  for my dorky mood!

"So, my life is very fun and interesting" says Ireland. "here are some good... and bad parts of my life. Some of this is from my point of view and some from my mom's. I really do have a good life, but sometimes being only 12 months old is hard." 
here is a glimpse of my life:

I am the:

It looks like I am sad. maybe I am, or just playing peek-a-boo with mommy

Being so tiny is hard because I have so many crazy emotions. Here I am one minute...

.....and the next

I went to a fun kid/halloween thing tonight and we all got awards. Mine was best cutie pie. very fitting I think!

we got to walk across the stage one at a time to show off our costumes. yeah, my mom didn't even bother to dress me up. LUCKILY I look cute in absolutely anything

Daddy and me have a secret hand shake. 

Can I just be big now? please?!

Witches Night Out! How fun! even though I look sleepy. They have this fun celebration every year at Gardner Village. We went saturday night. I danced and sang and met batman!

sorry for the shot with your eyes closed kel it was the only one with all of us!

Girls Night Out! mommy invited me this time!

So I was pretty hungry, even though I WAS fed. So, when mommy wasn't looking, I pulled her plate down and gobbled up her food! Check out the couch cushion to the left!

Ireland has a phone fetish. talks all day and all night. Rather silly I think. looks like she is wearing lipgloss AND a total attitude like WHAT MOM?! 

Sorry, my mom keeps trying to take pictures of me, yeah I know!

check out that hair! 

more girls night out. Don't worry that it only shows the tip of irelands head!

we went to moab and mommy and daddy decided to climb this huge trail and put me in this carrying back pack thing so I didn't have to walk, good thing! I was exhausted just from looking at those hills!

Not sure about this??? trying to either: kiss the fish, eat him, or whisper a secret

Ireland has a huge fetish with shoes.

and pens

and .......  more shoes

I sure do love my uncle Matt

hello?!?! what do I gotta do to get a drink around here???

So I got to go on a walk. with my giant winter coat. on a sunny day. :(   (hey in mom's defense, it was freezing when the wind blew!)

Look how far back my arms go when I sing the "washed that spider out" part of the song!

wow. I am exhausted just THINKING about my life!! 


Kristina P. said...

Pictures of her make me laugh every time. And the crying ones always get me. I can't help it. I know they're supposed to be sad, but they are so funny too!

Jen R. said...

She is adorable! I'm so glad we have such cute long lost cousins!

The Peterson's said...

So that purse behind you in your picture at Witch's night out was my friends. LOL I did not even notice you were there! I wish I would have! It was such a fun night!