Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tag. I am it

This time I was tagged but now instead of pictures,The rules of the tag are to name 7 random things about yourself and then tag 7 others. Let the randomness begin!

Ok so I am an extremely random person and I honestly have more than 7. I am truly an odd person. here we go

#1. Cleaning my house. If the house needs cleaning, I would rather do every single thing myself, then have someone else do it and it be partially done, or have things missed, I have to go back and do it over anyway.

#2. I LOVE to take tests and study and prepare for them. 

#3. I cannot stand spoons. I used to be fine. until I got pregnant and it never went away. I am talking about how people use their spoons for things other than like cereal or soup. and cutting your food with the side of the spoon and whatnot. 

#4. I love to color, watch kid movies, do kid puzzles, listen to kid music. I did all this even before I had my child. It may stem from the fact that I have been a teacher, nanny, babysitter,and  worked in daycares all my life

#5. I always make lists. for anything and everything. 

#6. I can only use an electric toothbrush and only certain types of toothpaste. I will lose it if I see or hear someone brushing their teeth, even if its on the tv. it's not as bad if someone uses an electric toothbrush.

#7. I get bored very easy. I dream most the day away about what things I can change

#8. I cannot stand anything in my teeth. I floss a minimum of 2-3 times a day (not counting when I brush) lol is that bad for your mouth??

#9. I drink a lot of dr. pepper. but I am super picky. It has to be very cold or I can't drink it, but it can't be with ice in a glass, if I have a bottle of pop and it gets shook up. at all. I cannot and will not drink it. Also, after a certain time it is too flat for me to drink it. Like say it has been opened an hour

#10 I am laughing so hard. I am so weird. I better just stop before I lose friends. :)   just kidding. but seriously

**if anyone wants to do it, then I tag you


Kristina P. said...

Let me know when you can come to my place and clean it up. You're welcome. ;)

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

I have the weird pop thing too, i forgot about it though until i read yours. Only I drink pepsi. It has to be the exact right temperature, and I have to drink it fast or it gets warm and I wont drink it. I really dont like a cup of pop with ice in it, but occasionaly a fountain drink is ok. I would much rather drink pop out of a bottle than any other way.