Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 14

yay I am caught up!!

today's challenge is to name what tv show I am currently addicted to.

I really don't watch a lot of tv. really. At nap time my sister and I have a couple of shows we watch as we lounge and enjoy our two hours of quiet :)

I don't have ONE show I am addicted to.

Here are some I enjoy though:

Oprah (this is new for me... never used to like her)
Ellen (also new to me)
the News
The Sing Off
most game shows- like Price is Right lol
What Would You Do?
So You Think You Can Dance- when it's actually on
I could watch any old episodes of Simpsons, Seinfeld, Full House, pretty much any old school show

the weather channel................just kidding!!

I don't know. I prefer movies!!

Guess I should mention I don't have cable or direct tv or anything. I get like 4 channels. so I am pretty limited :)

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

You clearly need more trashy reality tv in your life! :)