Monday, October 13, 2008

So I decided....

That I think I might like Utah now. In the 24 years I have been alive, I have lived here and always wanted to get out. We just got back from our amazing weekend away to Moab. Never been? Never heard of it? It was my first time too. My family goes every year, and I always manage to get stuck in Salt Lake and not get to go. Last year I had a good excuse. I had a baby two days before they went. :)  Anyway so it was a blast and as anyone who knows me knows I will have up way too many pictures soon of this trip. And hear all the stories.
    Here is one because I need a laugh and I always laugh at myself. As I was told this weekend..."If you can't laugh at yourself, someone else will" or something like that. Anyway. I won't go into details but I have always been THE clumsiest person alive. And this is some examples to prove my point: In the four days I was away, I ran into the open car door and have a ginormous bruise going up and down my thigh, i ran into the door handle at the hotel and have some lovely stomach pain. I hit my forearm on the door thingy (what is it called) and have a red welt on my arm, I hit myself in the face with a pool stick (attempting to be good playing pool) and I sat on some cactus and felt pokies in my butt for most of the day. 

LOL are you still laughing at me. no, its ok, I will wait. 
done? so get this.... my new nickname is mandicapped. believe it.

pics coming soon. have a wonderful evening


Kristina P. said...

HAHAHAHA! That should be my name too. I got a giant bruise on the back of my leg at the meet and greet. I don't even know how!

Oh, and I posted pics of my cute nephews, we can set Ireland up with.

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

Mandicapped.... that is creatively awesome. I like it. Glad you had a great trip!